Torah readings

Torah reading Vayechi (ויחי): Genesis 47:28–50:26

We’ve been mining the account of the life of Yosef in Mitzraim over the past three weeks (see the sections Vayeshev, Miketz and Vayigash) to see foreshadowings of the coming Mashiakh.

These shadows grow even more defined in this week’s Torah portion, וַיְחִי Vayechi (“he lived,” Gen. 47:28–50:26). In it, we see parallels between pharaoh, Yosef and Ya’akov, and the Father, the Son and the people called Yisra’el.

Discussions Torah

Embalming, Mourning, and Forgiving: The Story of Yosef’s Final Act of Grace

After the death of Yisra’el, fka Ya’akob (Jacob), 10 of his dozen sons approached Yosef (Joseph) with a message from their father: Don’t seek revenge for selling him as a slave. Yosef lived out the “second greatest commandment” in his response, showing he trusted God’s plan that had violently separated him from his family and landed him in prison for a few years.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 50: Yosef does not take revenge after his father dies

Two patriarchs die in this chapter. It starts with the death of Yisra’el (Ya’akov) and ends with the death of Yosef. When the brothers realized the depths of Yosef’s love and forgiveness they make a vow to him, which their descendants fulfilled 200 years later.