Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Abraham’s noisy descendants: Proclaiming the Messiah’s kingdom (Genesis 17; Isaiah 63; Romans 4)

The Messiah’s covenant with humanity via Abraham is the foundation of our faith. In this study, recalling Abraham’s journey of trust in Heaven starting in Genesis 12, we see the power of the Spirit to transform and empower us as overcomers of the attractive lure of a world steeped more in the knowledge of bad than of good. Like the new names for Abram and Sarai recorded in Genesis 17, the Messiah’s new name and our new identity in Him call us to a life of spiritual renewal, where we boldly proclaim His glory and advance His kingdom. May we, like Abraham, walk in unwavering faith, knowing that our Redeemer lives and reigns forever.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

God’s unwavering love: Foreshadowed in Abraham, realized in Messiah (Genesis 12–17)

This study on the Torah reading לֶךְ-לְךָ Lech Lecha (Genesis 12–17) explores the spiritual lineage of Abraham and how it emphasizes God’s faithfulness and love, irrespective of human failings. This faithfulness and love reaches its fullness in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ).

Being a true descendant of the covenant the Creator of Heaven and Earth made with him means embodying the trust — faith — he had in Heaven’s promises, not just sharing his DNA. We explore the importance of spiritual commitment over rituals such as circumcision, biblical criticism toward religious figures’ service without sincerity, and the necessity for total devotion for a covenantal relationship with God.

Torah readings

Torah reading Lech Lecha (לך לך): Genesis 12:1–17:27

Apostle Paul called Abraham the “father of us all,” those born in Israel and those who have faith like his (Rom. 4:16). In this week’s Torah passage, Lech Lecha (“go forth,” Gen. 12:1-17:27), we see Abraham’s first move of faith in leaving his homeland for some unknown destination Heaven was leading him toward. His response is an inspiration to us all.

Discussions Torah

How Abram learned faith, fought fear and become a friend of God

In the Torah reading Lech Lecha (“go forth,” Genesis 12–17), we see some key motifs from Abram/Abraham’s life that are repeated or echoed elsewhere in Scripture. Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) is the ultimate expression of these messages from Heaven.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 12:1–17:27: Why God cannot be bribed

When you are called to move, what is your first question? Do I move to the next town, next state, across the country or to a foreign land? We usually want to know our exact destination before we move. 

We also prefer to plan how we will transport ourselves? Will we go by car, train, bus or plane? 

In the Torah section לֶךְ-לְךָ Lech Lecha (“get going,” Gen. 12:1-17:27), Abram was not given a destination. It’s a strange place to be when you don’t know where you’re going. It takes trust to make the first step. And this is the beginning of his journey to become Abraham, father of faith in God (Rom. 4:16-25).

We also learn through this Bible study why all cultures are not equal and what was truly the unforgivable problem in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 12–17: Instant gratification is never instant or gratifying

It’s not easy to leave one’s family, even at 75 years old, but God called Abram out of his father’s house for his own good. This was Abram’s first test. 

In the Torah passage לֶךְ-לְךָ Lech Lecha/Lekh Lekha (“go forth,” Genesis 12:1-17:27), we learn that Abram’s faith came from both hearing God’s instruction and doing it. Doing matters, not just hearing. Hearing is easy, doing is much more involved and more difficult. When our life is smooth and we get instant gratification, it’s easy to continue walking in a way that brings a quick blessing. But when we are doing something that is right but we do not receive instant gratification, it’s harder to continue doing what is right.

When God tells us to do the right thing but we don’t want to do it, it’s hard to do it anyway.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 12–17: From old self to ‘new creation’ in Abraham’s footsteps

Apostle Paul called Abraham the “father of us all,” those born in Israel and those who have faith like his (Rom. 4:16). The following is a discussion of Torah passage Lech Lecha (“go forth” or “get going,” Genesis 12-17). In it, we see Abraham’s first move of faith in leaving his homeland for some unknown destination Heaven was leading him toward. His response is an inspiration to us all.

Abraham’s first move of faith was leaving his homeland for some unknown destination Heaven was leading him toward. His journey plus that of Israel from bondage in Egypt parallels our path on The Way from the person we used to be to the “new creation” God has started in us through Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ).