
Discernment in a distorted world: Heaven’s guide for telling good from bad (Genesis 2–3; Ezekiel 28; Romans 5)

This study on Genesis 2-3, Ezekiel 28, and Romans 5 unpacks the significance of the Garden of Eden, the Trees of Life and Knowledge of Good and Bad, and how these ancient stories connect to the Messiah’s work of restoring the relationship between God and humanity. And it explores how using godly principles for selecting leadership helps avoid the toxic legacy of corruption for families, congregations and society.

Discussions Torah

Do we live as if the Creator is really in charge? (Exodus 6:2–9:35)

The Torah reading Va’era (Ex. 6:2–9:35) is the first of two accounts of how the 10 plagues on Mitzraim (Egypt) humbled a superpower of the time to bring freedom not just to Israel but to the entire world.

How much more would Heaven’s sending the quintessential Son of Man to humble the “prince of the power of the air” win freedom for Israel, and by extension the whole world.