Discussions Torah

Exodus 32-33 — two tablets of the Testimony and the golden calf

This is a very heavy section of scripture. God tells Moses about the people’s rebellion and calls on Moses to check on the people. God tells Moses that he is willing to take very drastic measures to punish the people and promote Moses to an even higher level.

Discussions Shabbat Torah

Exodus 31 — pattern of the mountain starts to become a reality

In Exodus 31, we meet the two men (beside Moses) whose work and talent were used to make the Tabernacle which began as the “pattern shown on the Mountain” a living, functional reality. However, he gives them a reminder that they are still supposed to keep the Sabbath, no exceptions. They can’t break the sabbath, even for the sake of building the Tabernacle or they will be “cut off from their people.”

Discussions Torah

Exodus 29-30 — design for the clothing and ordination of the high priest

Moses was shown many wonderful things on the Mountain, including the ritual to anoint his older brother Aaron and Aaron’s four sons as priests before Him. The overall theme of these two chapters is atonement: atonement for the people and for Aaron and his sons. Even inanimate objects, such as Aaron’s wardrobe, the altar and the Tabernacle itself have to be atoned before they can perform a sacred use.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 27-28 — design for the ark of the Testimony

There is a lot of information in these next two chapters. We are continuing learn more about the template of the Tabernacle that God gave to Moses on Sinai. “… as it was shown to you in the mountain, so they shall make it” (Ex. 27:8).

We will learn about the altar, the utensils of the altar and the architecture of the outer courts. God also calls upon Aaron and his sons to serve Him as High Priests in the Tabernacle. They were called to be the intermediaries between God and the people. The people are commended to their own service for the Tabernacle as well.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 25-26 — instructions for making the tabernacle

The LORD gave Moshe very specific instructions for the design of the tabernacle, God’s house in the midst of Israel. These are not just meaningless details. Rather, they are symbols that give us understanding into God’s plan to restore the face-to-face interaction between mankind and Himself.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 23-24 — lessons from the judgments of God such as ‘don’t boil a kid in its mother’s milk’

We continue to study the judgements God revealed at Sinai after He revealed by His word the 10 commandments. Remember that the people of Israel were hearing these judgements for the first time. They didn’t have the advantage of the foresight we have and they haven’t been written down yet. They didn’t have the clarifications and admonitions from the Messiah Yeshua.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 23-24 — ‘boil a kid in its mother’s milk’