Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 24 — Paul presents the fourfold ‘good news’ to Felix and Drusilla

Paul didn’t know it at the time but he spent two years of his life in jail thanks to the false accusations of the Sanhedrin, yet as he is called to defend himself, his demeanor remains calm and sanctified. Paul remains in jail as the Romans exchange Felix for Festus.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 17 part 1 — Paul’s unified message to Jews in Thessalonica and Berea and to philosophers in Athens

Many think Paul “blew it” but getting philosophical among philosophers at the Areapogas (Mars Hill), rather than “just preaching the Cross,” as he did in the synagogues. In reality, Paul did preach the crucified and risen Messiah on Mars Hill, just with a different starting point.