Discussions Torah

Ready for restoration? (Deuteronomy 32)

At times we can feel so lost or out of control that there seems to be no way back to normal. The “lyrics” of the “Song of Moshe” (Moses), recorded in the Torah reading Ha’azinu (Deuteronomy 32), foretold of a time when Israel would wander so far from the One Who freed them from slavery in Mitzraim (Egypt) that the would appear to be lost forever.

While this is not an uplifting number, Israel is commanded to memorize it. That’s because the song shows the only way they would be able to return to the LORD.

Let’s find out more about why the redeemed from the world on the Day of the LORD will be singing the Song of Moshe and the Song of the Lamb (Rev. 15:3–4).

Discussions Torah

Maintaining Faith When God’s Face is Hidden

Moshe (Moses) predicts Israel’s idolatry and apostasy. He also writes a song to remind Israel of what the LORD has done for them, what they did against Him, what happened to them as a result and how the LORD will reconcile them back to Himself.