Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 21:5-38: Birth pangs of the coming of Messiah

Yeshua repeated warned His disciples to “be ready” for the Day of the Lord. Take note that Yeshua said, “When you see the abomination of desolation” and refers His listeners to the book of Daniel. Yeshua is warning us that the “abomination of desolation” was not a one-time event.

The main reason the Temple was desecrated and destroyed was due to syncretism — blending of belief systems. The reason God destroys the Temple is not because each were and will be flawed but the hearts of the people were flawed. Let’s learn from history and not repeat it.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 10:1-5: Prophetic significance of the descendants of Noach’s son Yafet

The descendants of Noach’s son Yafet (Japheth) show up prominently in Israel’s history, particularly regarding the period leading up to the Day of the LORD.

Appointments With God Trumpets

Yom Teruah — a day of making a ‘loud noise’ of joy and victory

Many associate the Feast of Trumpets with shofars, or trumpets made from horns. However, the LORD calls for two silver trumpets on this special day. Rather than a warning or battle call, as is associated with the shofar, this is a “loud sound,” or teruah, of joy. How is this joy associated with the Day of the LORD and the coming of Messiah, which are described in the Bible as a fearsome time?


Question: What is the meaning of the Parable of the 10 Virgins?

Bible interpreters have come up with all kinds of explanations for the elements of Messiah Yeshua’s Parable of the 10 Virgins (Matt. 25:1-13). Some assert the oil represents the Torah or the Spirit of God. Some claim the two groups of virgins represent two types of believers. Others try to work out the time for the Day of the LORD from the details.

Appointments With God Trumpets

Yom Teruah Listening for Messiah’s Wakeup Call, part 1 Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:12:35 — )Subscribe: RSSYom Teruah, called Rosh haShanah on the rabbinic calendar, is the first of God’s three fall appointments with His people. The imagery of trumpet blasts and calls to pay attention permeate the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. What is the message God wants the […]