This passage covers sometimes strange instructions for divorce, kidnapping, charity, limits to punishment and marriage to bear an heir.

This passage covers sometimes strange instructions for divorce, kidnapping, charity, limits to punishment and marriage to bear an heir.
Many believers in Yeshua dismiss this chapter and similar ones as “just a list of rules” and assume they have no relevance to the modern times. Yet there is foreshadowing of the Messiah in the laws for cities to atone for the “stain” of unsolved murder, inheritance for the firstborn of “unloved” wives and capital punishment for “rebellious” sons.
In the closing chapters of the book of Numbers, among a discussion of land grants to the tribes of Israel we read of a justice-and-mercy system for murderers that prophetically links ransom of the accidentally guilty to the death of the high priest.
This is a very heavy section of scripture, which is why we are spending two weeks reviewing it. When Moses comes down from the Moses, he takes very drastic measures to clean up a massive rebellion against God in the camp of Israel involving the golden calf idol.