Numbers 12 shows us the consequences of Miriam and Aaron’s jealously of God’s special relationship with Moses. Since they could not openly complained about God’s special treatment of Moses, they struck out against Moses’s by attacking his Cushite wife. Numbers 13 shows us the story of the first spies who went out into the land of Israel to scout out the land. God told Moses to call out one leader from each tribe to be the spies of the land.
Tag: Aaron
The book of Leviticus is not about laws but about how to be a priest. A lot of these lessons are physical but there’s more of the Spirit in these chapters than a cursory view might suggest.
The people of Israel didn’t follow Moshe (Moses) initially. Moshe didn’t believe that Pharaoh would hear him either. God affirmed Moshe yet God told Moshe and Aaron to go to Pharaoh anyway. God had a plan to elevate Moshe and Aharon (Aaron) in the eyes of Pharaoh and the people of Israel. The first three plagues were unleashed on Mitsraim (Egypt) but the magicians of Mitsraim have the same power and Pharaoh doesn’t want to believe that the hand of the Creator is at work in Moshe and Aharon.

Try to put yourself into Moses shoes here. His first presentation with Pharaoh doesn’t go very well—just as Moses had told God it wouldn’t. His confidence is even lower now than it was before. Yet God does not change His mind about his call on Moses and Aaron.
Moshe (Moses) returned to Mitsraim (Egypt) and found Aharon (Aaron) was willing to help him accomplish the task God gave him to do. However, Moshe and his wife Tzipporah have a life-and-death confrontation with God first, and she saved them all by quickly circumcising a son. Once Aharon and Moshe set God’s plan into motion, they face Pharaoh and hit their first roadblock.
Angels as described in the Bible are mysterious. They have great power and a dazzling appearance. Today, some are so enraptured with angelic beings that they seek to commune with them, and the situation wasn’t much different in the first century. Was Messiah Yeshua simply one of the mighty angels, elevated above the others for a certain role? The Book of Hebrews explains.