Discussions Torah

Numbers 13–15: Lessons from D-Day and the giants of the Promised Land

Go where the Creator sends us. That’s a lesson from the Torah reading שְׁלַח Shelakh (“send,” Numbers 13–15). Our faith forefathers in Yisrael had to learn trust after the LORD freed them from Mitsraim (Egypt) then told them to conquer seemingly unvanquishable foes in the Promised Land.

And that’s the kind of faith Yeshua the Mashiakh’s sent ones (apostles or shelakhim) had to learn during His earthly ministry and after He returned to Heaven.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 6:12-16: Duties of Yeshua’s 12 closest disciples

Yeshua outlined duties for His 12 closest disciples, and these instructions help guide us today.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 5:1-11: Yeshua calls first of the 12

On the surface it appears that the apostles just jumped at Yeshua’s offer without thought or consideration, but there was far more consideration in their decision to follow Yeshua than we could ever imagine.