Gossip is a premeditated destruction of one human being by another.
The following poem reminds me to always be mindful of my words and actions toward others, because the moment I let them come out of mouth, they will have an effect on someone else either to the good or to the bad:
Drop a pebble in the water — jes’ a splash an’ it is gone,
But th’s half a hundred ripples circlin’ on, an’ on, an’ on,
Spreadin’, spreadin’ from the center, flowin’ on out to the sea,
An’ th’ ain’t no way o’ tellin’ where th’ end is goin’ to be.Drop a pebble in the water — in a minute ye forget,
But th’s little waves a-flowin’ an’ th’s ripples circlin’ yet;
All th’ ripples flowin’, flowin’, to a mighty wave hev grown,
An’ ye’ve disturbed a mighty river — jes’ by droppin’ in a stone.Drop an unkind word or careless — in a minute it is gone,
But th’s half a hundred ripples circlin’ on, an’ on, an’ on.
Th’ keep spreadin’, spreadin’, spreadin’ from th’ center as th’ go,
An’ th’ ain’t no way to stop ’em, once ye’ve started ’em to flow.Drop an unkind word or careless — in a minute ye forget,
But th’s little waves a-flowin’ an’ th’s ripples circlin’ yet;
An’ perhaps in some sad heart a mighty wave of tears ye’ve stirred,
An’ disturbed a life ‘et’s happy when ye dropped an unkind word.Drop a word o’ cheer an’ kindness — jes’ a flash an’ it is gone,
But th’s half a hundred ripples circlin’ on, an’ on, an’ on,
Bearin’ hope an’ joy an’ comfort on each splashin’, dashin’ wave,
Till ye wouldn’t b’lieve the volume o’ th’ one kind word ye gave.Drop a word o’ cheer an’ kindness — in a minute ye forget,
“Drop a Pebble in the Water,” James William Foley (1874–1939)
But th’s gladness still a-swellin’ an’ th’s joy a-circlin’ yet;
An’ ye’ve rolled a wave of comfort whose sweet music can be heard
Over miles an’ miles o’ water — jes’ by droppin’ a kind word.
The main reason I like this poem is because of the great reminder that my words do not end when I finish speaking them, they go on and on to either bless or discourage someone else. If I am feeling down or discouraged and someone tells me that I did a good job at a particular task, that encourages me from the inside out and in essence affects and influences another. The words have a ripple effect that goes from one person to another, just as the poem describes.
So, when we drop a pebble into the water of life about another — when we gossip — that is like a social mayhem or slaughter, The words we use can destroy relationships, and even make connecting in a church, fellowship or Bible study impossible. And, those that are accomplices are just as guilty as those that did the speaking.
Importantly, also, is we cannot get out of the gossip by just confessing our sin. Gossip requires that we not only sincerely repent, but we also make amends for our wrongdoings.
Gossip is a premeditated destruction of one human being by another. So, we need to encourage each other to let our “ripples” be that of encouraging and lifting others up.
What you do for one person will not end with that person, but will be passed on to others, just as you passed a blessing or kind gesture on to someone else. Kind words are like honey-they cheer you up and make you feel strong.
Let’s be clear: Our words whether they come out of your mouth, a form of a letter, an email, a text, on Facebook or some other form of social media or communication reveals what is really on the inside of you and who we are.
And what about innuendo? Read James 3:9-12.
Consider and prayerfully think on the following Words of God — His Holy Scriptures.
“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”
Proverbs 16:24
Jesus says, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another” as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:34-35 KJV.
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29 NIV)
“Let your words always be gracious seasoned with salt …” Based on Colossians 4:6.
Jesus says, “But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again: and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” (Luke 6:35-36 KJV)
Or consider, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue, those who love it will eat its fruits” (Proverbs 18:21).
Most of all our lips should praise God!
There are many other scriptures which can be added. Do you have one to share?
To God belongs all glory, honor and praise for the many great things He has done!
Written by a local disciple of Yeshua, April 25, 2020
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