Discussions Torah

Discernment in a deceptive age: How to sharpen our spiritual senses (Deuteronomy 29–30)

The Torah readings of נִצָּבִים Nitzavim and וַיֵּלֶךְ Vayelech (Deuteronomy 29:10–31:30) confront us with a stark choice — life or death. Yet this is no mere intellectual exercise, for the decision before us demands a profound internal transformation via Heaven’s tag-team Comforters, the Word and the Spirit. In this study, we’ll see that these ancient yet ever-more-relevant words speak to the very core of our being, calling us to align our thoughts and desires with the ways of the Almighty. In a world that tempts us with the allure of secret knowledge and the false security of human systems, we are challenged to discern the subtle yet vital distinctions between the paths that lie before us. It is only through the power of God’s Spirit working within us that we can truly choose the way that leads to “abundant life” (John 10:10).

The Torah readings נִצָּבִים Nitzavim (“standing,” Deut. 29:10–30:20) and וַיֵּלֶךְ Vayelech (“he went,” Deut. 31:1–30) teaches us that it is in this act of surrender and obedience that we find the strength to cut off any desires that would lead us astray. May we embrace the transformative power of Heaven, that we might walk the path of life and leave a lasting legacy for those who come after us.

5 ways to build our lives on הַצּוּר haTzur (the Rock)

  1. Choose life over death. Recognize that there is no middle ground, and respond to God’s call to return to where humanity belongs.
  2. Keep God’s word in your heart and mouth. Internalize the teachings of the Torah — as foretold in the New Covenant prophecy — via the work of the Word and the Spirit. Let the inscribed words guide your thoughts and actions.
  3. Build your life on the Rock of Israel, not shifting sand. Establish your foundation on the stability and dependability of God, not the fleeting things of this world.
  4. Allow the Holy One to “circumcise” your heart. Continually examine and actively offer up any desires or parts of your life that draw you away from God’s path.
  5. Teach the next generation. Pass on the wisdom of God’s word to your children and future generations, so they too can build their lives on the solid Rock — Messiah (1Cor. 10:1–5).

The key is to firmly build the foundation of our life on the Rock — His teachings and His ways (Matt. 7:24–27) — so that we can withstand the storms and challenges of life. This requires ongoing commitment and willingness to let God transform our hearts.


Summary: Tammy

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