Discussions Torah

Genesis 3:7–14 — Adam’s & Eve’s eyes opened to their ‘nakedness,’ shame covered by prophetic fig leaves

Why do the fig tree show up in the Genesis 3 account of Adam and Eve’s decision to pursue knowledge of good and evil? What does the fig tree symbolize throughout the Bible?

Food for thought from the recorded discussion

Looking at certain words helps train our minds to “listen to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” 

Let’s review what we’ve studied in Genesis 3:

Did God make a mistake when he made the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? What did He call that tree and everything else He made? 

Did God set up Adam and Eve for a fall by putting that tree in the Garden of Eden?

What does the word Hebrew word often translated as naked mean? What does the word for ashamed mean? What does the word for subtle mean?

Why did the serpent go after Eve instead of Adam?

Gen. 3:1-6

Why did the serpent ask the question he asked? What seed of doubt was the serpent planting into Eve?

Was the serpent was talking just to Eve when he said “You will not surely die…”?

What is the play on words we see in Gen. 3:6? Was Adam with Eve during this conversation with Satan or did Eve face Satan alone?

What is the Hebrew word for man? What is the Hebrew word for woman?

Gen. 3:7

What was the consequence of Adam and Eve’s “opened eyes”?

Why did Adam and Eve use fig leaves as a covering? What are the names of the first three trees? 

Judges 9:10 tells us a parable of a fig tree talking. What is significant about the words of the fig three, “Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to be promoted over the trees?” What does it mean that the fig tree is not going to “be promoted” or “hold sway” over the other tress? How do trees symbolize people? How does this parable apply to people? 

What is the source of the Hebrew word for fig tree? What does the Bible tell us about the symbolism of the fig tree (Prov. 27:18; Matt. 21:19-31; Matt. 24:32-34)? How does the maturation of the fig tree correspond to “waiting on the master”? What is the play on words in Matt. 21:21? What do trees represent? What do mountains represent in prophecy? How did the high priests and Pharisees challenge Yeshua (Jesus)?

What does “untimely fruit” relating to the fig tree in Rev. 6:12-13 mean?

Speaker: Richard Agee.