Torah readings

Torah reading for Nov. 30, 2024

Genesis 8:1-14 highlights God’s remembrance, renewal and provision during and after the Flood. These are expanded elsewhere in the Bible to underscore Heaven’s salvation, renewal and redemption — all foreshadowing their ultimate reality in Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus).

Torah readings

Torah reading for Nov. 23, 2024

Genesis 6–7 focuses on the moral decay of humanity from “very good” creation, God’s judgment on the “violence” and salvation through Noah’s ark. The ark and Flood narrative not only recounts historical events but also carries deeper spiritual lessons that point towards redemption and the coming of the Messiah.

Torah readings

Torah reading for Nov. 16, 2024

This week’s reading from the three-year Torah cycle is Genesis 5:1–6:8. It features the genealogy from Adam to Noah, showing the decline in humanity’s morality leading up to the Flood. Contrasted are the godly line of Seth and the increasing corruption in humanity.

Genesis 6:1–8 discusses the “sons of God” and their interactions with human women, which many interpret as leading to widespread evil, prompting God’s judgment. The account stresses God’s grief over human wickedness but also introduces Noah as a righteous figure chosen to preserve humanity through the coming deluge.

Torah readings

Torah reading for Nov. 9, 2024

Themes of Genesis 4 include separation, rebellion and repentance. Cain’s rejection, murder of Abel and subsequent wandering reveals deep human struggles with jealousy, disconnection from God and the consequences of sin. Key lessons include the importance of repentance over sacrifice and the transformative power of choice. The names of Cain’s descendants reflect his ongoing legacy of estrangement from Heaven, illustrating the spiritual consequences of turning from God’s guidance.

Torah readings

Torah reading for Nov. 2, 2024

Genesis 2:4–3:24 focuses on the consequences of humanity’s choice to reject the Tree of Life in favor of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. This separated humanity from the Creator. At the same time, Heaven hatched a plan to restore the relationship via a very special descendant of Eve — the Messiah.

Torah readings

Torah reading for Oct. 26, 2024

The Hebrew language of Genesis 1:1–2:3 encourages a deeper understanding on the active and dynamic nature of God’s creative power and His relationship with humanity.

Torah readings

Shemini Atzeret (Eighth Day) readings

The Hebrew name for “assembly of the eighth [day]” (Lev. 23:39) is שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת Shemeni Atseret. Functionally, it’s the “last” day of the seven-day festival of ingathering, or Sukkot (Tabernacles).

The annual memorial of Sukkot recalls the transition from Yisrael’s wandering in the wilderness in tents for 40 years, and Shemini Atzeret may point to the new beginning in permanent homes in the Land after crossing the Yarden (Jordan).

This new beginning is likened to entering God’s eternal rest (Psalm 95; Hebrews 3–4). Symbolized by Ha’aretz (“the Land”), this “rest” is points forward to a time when Heaven and humanity are reunited in “the Kingdom,” also known as the messianic age.