Discussions Torah

Meaning behind monthly, Passover and Pentecost offerings (Numbers 28:11–31)

Learn how to see Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in the qorbanot (offerings, sacrifices) presented at the Tabernacle of Israel on each Rosh Chodesh (New Moon), Pesakh (Passover) and Shavu’ot (Pentecost).

Discussions Torah

Messiah in daily and Sabbath offerings (Numbers 28:1-10)

Learn how to see Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in the tamid (continual, morning and evening) and Shabbat (Sabbath) offerings.

Discussions Torah

Accounting for light and righteousness in Israel (Numbers 26–27)

After various plagues and judgments over the 40 years of wandering in wilderness, God called for Israel to be counted again. It was also time to divide the Promised Land among the 12 tribes, based on the wisdom of God’s light and righteousness.

Discussions Torah

Perpetual priesthood of peace and mercy for wayward Israel (Numbers 25)

Have you been “dragged away and enticed” by something that seems irresistibly appealing? Feel like God could never take you back? A false prophet enticed Israel away from God with sex, but God’s ambassador was there to mend the relationship.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 24: Balaam’s Vision of Israel’s Future Glory

The cryptic lines of Balaam’s reluctant blessing of Israel contains pictures of what Israel should expect in its Messiah.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 23: Balaam prophesies of Israel and Messiah

Though he was reluctant to pass it along, Balaam’s prophecy would stretch long into the future of Israel and foretell actions of the Messiah.


Numbers 21: Serpent on a pole, Messiah on a cross

Yeast is often associated with sin, yet Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) used it in a parable to describe a vital work of Heaven. A serpent is a frequent Bible symbol for haSatan (the Adversary), yet Yeshua connected the Moshe’s bronze serpent on a pole in Numbers 21 with healing from His death on the cross. Let’s get to the naked truth of God’s lesson here.