Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 2–3: Conquering foes old and new

As the second generation of Israel post-Mitsraim (Egypt) prepared to enter the Promised Land after 40 years of banishment, the people must face foes that wouldn’t quit and had long histories with Israel. Trust in Israel’s Savior gave the people courage to conquer those enemies. Likewise, our trust in God can bring us through even the most seemingly unwinnable struggle.

Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 1: Charter for born-again Israel

There are times we just want a do-over on our lives, to hit the reset button. Ancient Israel needed such a new beginning after repeated rebellions against the LORD, the Savior from bondage in Mitsraim (Egypt), led to the nation’s judgment to remain outside the Promised Land for 40 years, until the first generation died out.

Thus begins the “second telling,” or deuteronomy, of who Israel was, where the nation was going and why. It’s also lesson for the “new creation” we become in the eyes of Heaven because of Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ).

Discussions Torah

Numbers 34–36: Big vision for Israel’s borders in Messianic age

The borders of the modern state of Israel are a fraction of the territory the LORD granted the long ago. The promises for a much larger area from Genesis to Revelation speak to the wider vision of many nations in the Kingdom of Heaven and how our vision for our own potential may be too narrow.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 32–33: Reuben and Gad linger east of Jordan; remembering the Exodus

We may be tempted to give up when the end of our jobs, our relationships or lives are looming. Yet Moshe embodies apostle Paul’s encouragement to “fight the good fight” and “run the race” with all we have until we reach our goal or it’s time to pass the baton to the next person. Moshe encouraged the tribes of Reuben and Gad to pitch in to the hard settlement of Canaan, even when their new home was secured.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 31: Israel battles Midian after prurient sneak attack

The call for Israel to attack Midian, located on the southwestern coast of modern-day Saudi Arabia, comes after Midian’s plot to send in women to lure Israel away from the LORD. That, in turn, came because the LORD wouldn’t allow Bilam (Balaam) to curse Israel.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 30: Daughter of Zion and the Father’s prerogative

Asking for a father’s permission to marry his daughter is viewed as comically anachronistic today. Likewise, these instructions for a father’s ability to annul a daughter’s vow seem a relic of yesteryear. Yet God teaches through object lessons, and what’s being communicated here is far more important than a surface impression.

Appointments With God Discussions Torah

Messiah in offerings on Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles (Numbers 29)

Learn how to see Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in the qorbanot (offerings, sacrifices) presented in the Tabernacle on the moedim (appointed times, festivals) of Yom Teruah (Day of Blowing Trumpets), Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (Tabernacles).