Prophets and Writings

Book of Jonah drama

In preparation for a study of the small Bible book of Jonah in connection with an exploration of the missions of Yonah and other prophets to the kings of Israel and Yehudah (Judah), we take a light-hearted overview of a serious and perplexing battle between God and His prophet to bring a message of mercy to a foreign people.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

2nd Kings 14: Amaziah allows Yehudah to slide back into idolatry; enter Yonah

Amaziah king of Yehudah (Judah) started out good but didn’t remove the pollution of the land — “high places,” places to worship other gods. This historical account helps provide the backdrop for the messages of a number of prophet-writers in the Bible, such as Yonah (Jonah), Amos and Yeshiyahu (Isaiah).

Discussions Prophets and Writings

2nd Kings 13: Messianic prophesy of death, resurrection of Israel

Death and life after a series of three is always a messianic prophesy, as we see in 2nd Kings 13. Elisha doesn’t know it yet but he isn’t just speaking a prophesy, his death will be a part of the prophesy. The prophesy is the death and resurrection of the nation of Israel itself.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings

John 13:36-38: Shepherd Friend of God

In a sobering interchange between the Messiah and one of His closest students during a pinnacle Pesakh (Passover) celebration, Yeshua challenged Simon Peter to truly become a key shepherd, foretold by prophet Zechariah, by becoming such a friend of God that he wouldn’t fear being persecuted to death.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Chanukah Discussions Prophets and Writings

Chanukah: Prophecy and memorial for conception of Messiah and declaration of His mission

What does ‎Chanukah (Festival of Dedication) have to do with believers in ‎Yeshua (‎Jesus)? It’s in the ‎Bible, and Yeshua celebrated it. In doing so, He gave one of the most startling teachings about Himself (John 10:22-38). As well as a remembrance of the perils of giving up God’s words to fit in or save one’s neck, Chanukah is a memorial of the great miracle of the conception of the ‎Messiah — ‎Immanuel (God With Us) — through Miriam (Mary) (Luke 1; 1Chronicles 24; Haggai 2).

Discussions Prophets and Writings

2nd Kings 11: Fall of the House of Ahab

Yehu (Jehu) was told by God to kill all of the male’s of Ahab’s family line. He was able to do that in Israel, but he had no control over the land of Yehudah (Judah). Why are there descendants of Ahab in Yehudah? Despite the confusion about God that Ahab had spread in the northern kingdom of Israel, one of his descendants, Yoash (Joash), actually rolled back some of that damage early in his life.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

2nd Kings 10: Yehu and Yehonadab: What God respects in a person

In 2nd Kings 10, we will see the difference between Yehu (Jehu) and Yehonadab (Jehonadab) the son of Rechab. Yehu respected Eliyahu (Elijah) and Elisha and he hated the Baal, but he did not respect and love the true God. Yehonadab the son of Rechab understood and loved God. It’s useful to see what God respects in a man and what he does not because God never changes, we do.