Reader: Jeff Teacher: Daniel Agee [contact] Duration: 43:21 File size: 10.4 MB [download MP3 audio]
Author: Jeff
Joshua 5
Teacher: Daniel Agee [contact] File size: 12.9 MB [download MP3] Duration: 53:50 Thought questions Why was the commander of the LORD’s army standing with his sword drawn? How does this relate to the time of year? Does God take sides? What’s the significance of circumcision before Passover? Why hadn’t they been circumcised before? What is […]
Joshua 3–4
Teacher: Daniel Agee [contact] File size: 11.2 MB [download MP3] Duration: 46:49 Parallels between Yehoshua’s movement of Israel across Yordan (Jordan) River into the Promised Land the ministry of Messiah Yeshua past, present & future. Thought questions What things in chapters 3 and 4 that connect to the Messiah? Entering promised land and the 10th […]

It’s often taught that God barred Moshe (Moses) from entering Canaan because he hit the rock to start water flowing, rather than speaking to the rock. Yet it seems Moshe’s rebel yell had more to do with it and fits more with the lesson God had been teaching the people since the Exodus.

It was a shocking event when a sizable delegation of scholars from the empire of Parthia, a competitor with Rome, visited the land of Israel looking for a recently born “King of Yehudah.” It turns out that this was the legacy of the prophet Daniel. Another prophet foretold “Rachel” would be weeping for her children, and that prophecy was fulfilled not only with the killing of newborns and toddlers in Beit Lekhem (Bethlehem) but also the driving out her descendants into the nations with the Assyrian exile.

The long list of names of ancestors of Yeshua can be tedious to read, but it is an important statement about what God was doing by sending the Messiah.