Discussions Torah

Num. 25:10–30:1: Zeal for God’s house consumed Pinchas, Eliyahu and Messiah Yeshua

I used to find Yeshua’s actions in clearing the Temple of commerce very odd and seemingly out of character compared to the common teaching that Yeshua was always “meek and mild.” But the Yeshua (Jesus) in Scripture often shows His zealous side, which matches very well with the zealousness of Pinchas and Eliyahu (Elijah) and even His cousin Yokhanan (John the Baptist). 

As we’ll see in this study of Torah reading פינחס Pinchas (“Phinehas,” Numbers 25:10–30:1), sages of Israel saw a thread of connection between Melchizedek, Pinchas and Eliyahu. And the author of Hebrews connected the same thread to Messiah Yeshua Himself.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 23–24: Balaam’s 4-fold warning for the end-times generation

The New Testament has multiple warnings about the “error of Balaam” (Jude 11) and “teaching of Balaam” (Rev. 2:12–17), specifically for the Body of Messiah at the apocalyptic time around the Day of the LORD.

But what does the amazing account in Torah reading בָּלָק Balak (Numbers 22:2–25:9) of a talking donkey and double-agent prophet have to teach us today? In short, remember who we are as “treasures” of the Kingdom of Heaven, why that’s special, and whether we are being transformed into people who have the character and heart of the Messiah.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 16–17: How humility teaches leadership

The Torah reading קֹרַח Korakh (“Korah,” Numbers 16–18) can be quite chilling, especially for those of us who have serious challenges with authority. We also see a display of the adage “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” coming to fruition right before our eyes. I used to scoff at the idea of knowing who you are by the friends you keep, but it is so true. Your friends inevitably rub off on you, just as Korach’s rebellious and insolent spirit rubbed off on Dathan and Abiram and then trickled down to the entire congregation.

We’ll explore how Moses’ and Aaron’s humble intercession for these rebels teaches us about Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).

Discussions Torah

Numbers 8:1–12:16: When the LORD moves, move it! When the LORD rests, cool it!

Yogi Berra famously quipped, “It’s deja vu all over again.” And that seems to sum up the beginning of Torah reading בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ Beha’alotcha (“when you raise up” [the lamps]). We have read about the Tabernacle menorah and the consecration of the priesthood before in Shemot (Exodus) and Vayiqra (Leviticus), but Bamidbar (Numbers), like Devarim (Deuteronomy), is a thematic rather than a book. And Bamidbar is like a travelogue of Israel’s journey from bondage to freedom, with snapshots of cringe-worthy waypoints that are best not revisited by future generations.

In the Beha’alotecha album of snapshots, we see a collection of lessons about remembering the One Who gave freedom and guarding oneself against resentment for the journey to that freedom.

Apostolic Writings Appointments With God Pentecost/Shavuot Torah

Spirit of God is essential for Torah observance

Shavuot (Pentecost) commemorates the testimony of God coming and the Spirit of God coming to give it power. Yeshua haMoshiakh (Jesus the Christ) is the “word made flesh” (John 1:14) and “exact representation of (God’s) nature” (Hebrews 1:3). We explore the Ten Commandments and the Pentecost after Yeshua’s resurrection to see why the Bible makes so many connections between them.

Discussions Torah

Leviticus 26–27: How Yeshua the Tabernacle made flesh steers us away from a cursed life

When we’ve finally had enough of the “house of bondage” that’s kept us doing doughnuts in the parking lot of life, the Creator of Heaven and Earth shows us the way out. Just as Pesakh (Passover) and Shavuot (Pentecost) are annual reminders of that journey to freedom and how we get to know the One […]

Discussions Torah

Leviticus 23: Witness what Messiah has done, is doing and will do

Like the pattern of the Tabernacle reveals the character and plan of the God and the LORD’s Messiah, the pattern of the LORD’s appointed times (מוֹעֲדֵי יְהוָ֔ה mo’adey YHWH) in Torah reading אָמַר Amar/Emor (“say,” Leviticus 21–24) gives us memorials in time for the patient care of Heaven toward us and our role in the LORD’s appeal to the world.This time, we’ll take a look at the overview of the annual appointments of the LORD, outlined in Leviticus 23. Didn’t the LORD say He hated them (Isa. 1:14)? So why should we care about them?