Discussions Jubilee Pentecost/Shavuot Torah

Heaven seeks from us authentic worship and service (Leviticus 21–23)

We love great actors when they’re on the screen or stage, but they’re odious when they fill the pews or the pulpits. A key lesson in the Torah reading אָמַר Emor (“say,” Leviticus 21–24) is that those in the service of the Creator of Heaven and Earth (Ex. 19:6; 1Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10) must deeply respect what they’re bringing closer to the Presence: “good gifts” of the heart cry of humankind. And those who bring those gifts must not pretend they’re transparently offering their best, what Heaven has set aside in them from normal ways of an Earth in need of healing.

Parallel to that lesson in Emor is an overview of the key weekly and annual appointments of Heaven with Earth. Two key dates among them are the weekly Shabbat (Sabbath) and the annual Shavu’ot (Pentecost). Both are tied to the Yobel (Jubilee), an ever-50-years reminder that Heaven has an eternal home for humanity and that the path home requires a declaration of freedom from the past.

From these lessons Heaven has provided in time, we can come to understand how Torah is the “law of liberty” (James 1:25; 2:12) that guides us on how to be free in His Kingdom, brought to reality by Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Christ). That’s not only freedom from physical debts but also freedom from spiritual debts that we have piled upon ourselves. Learn more through this Bible study.

Discussions Torah

How our lives can become a ‘soothing aroma to the LORD’ (Leviticus 1–5)

The Creator of the heavens and the Earth wants to live among humankind, but there humankind is too attached with the muck-and-mire ways of this world. Heaven’s solution is acted out in the imagery and ceremony of Israel’s Tabernacle and in the work of the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). Discover in the Torah reading ויקרא Vayikra (“and He called,” Leviticus 1:1-6:7) how our heart’s cry determines whether we are a “soothing aroma” as Heaven transforms us.

Discussions Torah

Why we must guard Heaven’s tabernacle in our hearts (Exodus 25)

The focus of the Tabernacle/Temple of Israel is the Ark of the Testimony, aka the Ark of the Covenant. That’s a key lesson of the Torah reading תְּרוּמָה Terumah (“contribution,” Exodus 25:1-27:19). The Ark protected the founding documents, the constitution of the People of God. This document binds all the people of God together, just as the people of the United States are bound by the U.S. Constitution, honor that document and work to put it into practice.

Heaven put the Word of God into action in the midst of the people of God with the birth, ministry, death and resurrection of Yeshua the Mashiakh (Jesus the Messiah/Christ).

If the people of God don’t put the 10 Commandments into practice, we run a real risk of losing our first love and going astray from God. We can end up in a very bad place. When we realize we have gone astray, the first thing we do is to turn back to the foundation.

Discussions Torah

New covenant = Sinai + Spirit (Exodus 18:1–20:22)

Rather than the Law and the Spirit of God being in opposition to each other and the latter usurping the former, as some teach, we will see in this study of the Torah passage Yitro (“Jethro,” Exodus 18:1–20:22) that we receive the “new birth” in Mashiakh Yeshua (Christ Jesus) via both Sinai and Spirit.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Cost of freedom: Why plagues are necessary at the Exodus and Day of the LORD Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:21:45 — 56.2MB)Subscribe: RSS Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. 1Corinthians 10:11 NASB The gavel falls, and the sentence is prison. The citizen turned felon doesn’t want to […]

Discussions Torah

Learning to see over the horizon gives us insight for today (Exodus 3)

Many things can make us feel like we’re forgotten, alone and suffering unfairly. A key lesson of the Torah reading שמות Shemot (“names,” Exodus 1:1–6:1) is the Creator of all that is, was and will be knows the deep, anguished cries of our hearts and has been actively working to set us free from the long downhill slide of the world.

Just as the LORD revealed His name, His character, to Moshe (Moses) at the burning bush, the Holy One of Israel revealed His character though the Word of the LORD made flesh — Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ).

Set free by the LORD’s Anointed from our bondage to the the ways of the world that are headed toward death, we can carry the memorial of the LORD’s character, great works and deliverance with us as ambassadors of the Messiah. We can give testimony on what He has done for us, our families and our friends with us everywhere we go, whether in person or virtually. As His reputation (name) reveals to us, God has shown up, does shows up and will show up.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Joseph and Jesus teach how to heal relationships for a better family and planet (Genesis 45; Luke 24)

We may be jealous of a favored family member or co-worker and carry that bitterness into how we act around that person. We may regret what those feelings drove us to and the damage caused in the relationship.

In this Bible study, we explore the dramatic reconciliation of the biblical leader Joseph with his brothers, recorded in the Torah passage Vayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27), is an emotional journey from jealousy and abandonment to repentance and reconciliation.

Another rejected, favored son of Israel, Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), also reunited with those close to Him after His resurrection, and in the case of Paul turned hate into passion to serve.