Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) services


Thursday, October 2, 2025    
12:15 pm–3:30 pm


Shiloh Neighborhood Church
5901 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403, San Francisco Bay Area

Event Type

The Day of Atonement runs from sunset on the ninth day of the seventh month of Israel’s calendar (September–October) to sunset on the 10th day.

It is a time of total repentance, total forgiveness, total reconciliation, total faith. The ceremony described in the Bible (Leviticus 16) underscores the trust-based relationship between humanity and Heaven

Many Christians think that Yom Kippur is a Jewish festival that was abolished with the death and resurrection of the Christ. But here are four reasons why Christians should care about Yom Kippur:

  1. Messiah Yeshua1Christ Jesus said the words of God wouldn’t be abolished.
  2. Yeshua rebuffed the Adversary with the trustworthiness of God’s words.
  3. Yom Kippur is a memorial to the saving work of the Messiah.
  4. Yom Kippur is a memorial of the new covenant.

Find out more about the biblical memorial of the Day of Atonement.

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