Discussions Torah

Laban and Ya’akov’s final covenant (Genesis 30:25–31:55)

We look at the final covenant between Laban and his son-in-law Jacob. Jacob’s six-year prosperity with Laban, marked by unconventional animal husbandry, leads to tension as Laban’s wealth declines. Amid disputes, God directs Jacob to return to his homeland. Laban pursues, accusing Jacob of theft, but God intervenes in a dream, preventing harm. Jacob confronts Laban, recounting years of mistreatment. A covenant is formed, and fear shifts from Jacob to Laban. The narrative highlights God’s role in trials and underscores the prophetic nature of biblical stories, urging readers to seek divine understanding in difficulties.

Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 6: Teaching children to respect, follow the LORD

We are told to follow the LORD’s commandments, the statutes and judgements. The commandments, statutes and judgements are written down so that we will “fear” the Lord and that we will teach that fear to our children and grandchildren.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 24 — Paul presents the fourfold ‘good news’ to Felix and Drusilla

Paul didn’t know it at the time but he spent two years of his life in jail thanks to the false accusations of the Sanhedrin, yet as he is called to defend himself, his demeanor remains calm and sanctified. Paul remains in jail as the Romans exchange Felix for Festus.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 12 — the first promise to Abram

In Genesis 12 we hear God’s great command to Abram “go forth from your country” to establish God’s ambassadorial nation, Israel. We also see the great man of faith, Abram, needed to mature in his faith, as we do.