Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 19:29-44: Lamb of God takes prophetically foreboding donkey ride into Yerushalayim for Passover

Two key themes in this passage are the arrival of Yeshua into Yerushalayim on a donkey and the responsive public cry, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” That blessed One came as the Lamb of God, yet Israel’s “shepherds” ignored Him, searching for the prophesied Lion of Yehudah. When the Lamb of God returns as the Lion of Yehudah, no one will be able to ignore Him.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 10:1-5: Prophetic significance of the descendants of Noach’s son Yafet

The descendants of Noach’s son Yafet (Japheth) show up prominently in Israel’s history, particularly regarding the period leading up to the Day of the LORD.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 9: God blesses Noach and his sons; Noach curses Canaan

At first, it’s puzzling why Noach cursed Cana’an for something his father, Ham, did. Is this a generational curse, with the sins of the father being meted out to future generations? Is something else going on here? The answer seems to be in the meaning of the Hebrew words for curse and Cana’an.