Discussions Torah

Leviticus 1:1–6:7: Lessons on faith, grace and worship from Tabernacle offerings

Many think that the Tabernacle and Temple services were about works that pay for entrance into the Father’s presence and that the regimens of faith — prayer and repentance — made the Tabernacle obsolete. But what the Bible actually teaches about the Tabernacle is quite different from this common view.

God’s presence can’t abide with impurity, and the book of Vayiqra (Leviticus) shows us God’s prescription to make us pure and ready to live in His presence. The animal and grain קרבנות qorbanot (offerings/sacrifices) described in the Torah reading ויקרא Vayikra/Vayiqra (“and He called,” Leviticus 1:1-6:7) were symbolic of the supplicant’s desire to abide with God.

Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Journey to the 10 — The Wavesheaf Offering (Firstfruits or Raysheet Katzeer)

As Israel leaves Egypt for good, they are not fleeing in confusion and fear but walking in order and with purpose in what the NASB translation calls a “martial array.” They left with honor, glory, wealth and they were armed. However, they were not ready for war at this time. God gave both the old men and the young women with children the strength to walk by day and by night without fatigue. Even at this time, God was providing for their every need at the right time.