Discussions Torah

Genesis 19 part 2 — Importance of Sodom

Some think that Sodom and its neighbors met with heavenly holocaust for sexual depravity. Others claim the primary offense was inhospitality. Yet Israel is warned many times throughout the Bible not to become like Sodom and look for salvation.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 19 part 1 — Sodom, Gomorrah & environs are destroyed

Genesis 19 is one of the most disturbing passages in the Bible, with a righteous man offering his daughters to a rape mob to protect two strangers, God’s destruction of a whole valley and those daughters committing incest with their father. Why is this passage recorded?

Discussions Torah

Genesis 18 — Abraham hosts God for lunch as mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah is negotiated

The LORD and two heavenly messengers visit Abraham and Sarah for lunch. The LORD reveals that Sarah will have a son and Sodom and Gomorra will have a holocaust. Abraham bargains for mercy on the cities.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 13 — ‘righteous’ Lot chooses to live near Sodom

Many have faulted Lot for choosing the good land on the plains near what later became known as the condemned city of Sodom, yet he really was “veiled righteousness” on display in the city. Abram’s choice of places to settle also had lasting consequences.