Discussions Torah

Genesis 27 — Ya’akov tricks his father into getting the firstborn birthright Esau sold for a bowl of stew

The “transaction” for the firstborn birthright, which Esau sold to his brother, Ya’akov (Jacob) for a bowl of lentils in Genesis 25 is completed in Genesis 27 with a second ruse devised by their mother, Rivkah (Rebecca), to get Yitskhak (Isaac) to bless the correct son. This pattern of switching blessings at the last minute appears repeatedly in the Bible and has ramifications for the modern-day descendants of these two sons.

Discussions Torah

Yitskhak meets his wife (Genesis 24)

We learn about the Near Eastern customs of how to find a wife for a prominent family. From Abraham’s request to Rivka’s acceptance, Isaac is not a part of this story until the very end when Isaac greets Rivka as acknowledges her as the wife God has chosen for him.