This passage covers sometimes strange instructions for divorce, kidnapping, charity, limits to punishment and marriage to bear an heir.

This passage covers sometimes strange instructions for divorce, kidnapping, charity, limits to punishment and marriage to bear an heir.
Deuteronomy documents the thoughts of Elohim, illustrated by how often Messiah Yeshua and the apostles quote from it. By studying these commandments, statutes and judgments — at times difficult to understand — we can see a small glimpse of how God thinks, not in the past tense but in the present tense.
Many believers in Yeshua dismiss this chapter and similar ones as “just a list of rules” and assume they have no relevance to the modern times. Yet there is foreshadowing of the Messiah in the laws for cities to atone for the “stain” of unsolved murder, inheritance for the firstborn of “unloved” wives and capital punishment for “rebellious” sons.
Honesty in business dealings and setting aside for the LORD the first and a 10th of what He has blessed us with seem like straightforward teachings from these two chapters for modern times. However, what do we do with teachings in this passage about men temporarily marrying their sisters-in-law to perpetuate the name of her dead husband and amputation as punishment for women who “fight dirty” seem way out of step with modern culture? Richard Agee explores what God is trying to show us about Himself with these teachings.
The seeming prohibition against emasculated men and illegitimate children in God’s “assembly” in this chapter have been used widely to discredit His word. Explore whether God is being capricious and cruel with such proclamations, or whether He wants His people to avoid the pitfall of mixing evil worship practices with worship of the LORD.
Much has been lost in modern society has been lost by treating divorce and kidnapping as less serious matters than God does in Deuteronomy 24. Richard Agee explores a key question in this chapter: Why does God forbid remarriage to the first husband after a second marriage? The answer is clear in the original Hebrew text.
Why the LORD hates cross-dressing so much? There’s more to this seeming grab bag of anachronistic rules than is apparent on the surface.