God “marked” Noach and his family for salvation in the ark during the Flood. The dove that found dry land after the waters subsided points to another Messenger Who went to prepare room for us in God’s Kingdom.

God “marked” Noach and his family for salvation in the ark during the Flood. The dove that found dry land after the waters subsided points to another Messenger Who went to prepare room for us in God’s Kingdom.
Some may have no idea what this chapter is about, with “sons of God” marrying “daughters of men” and the “Nephilim.” Some may also have some profound, over-the-top notions about the meaning of this chapter, but if you read this chapter in the context of the previous chapters, the fanciful and salacious interpretations fall by the wayside.
Each one of the patriarchs listed here are listed for a reason: to show us where Noah came from. Each one of the these patriarchs had other sons and daughters besides those mentioned here, but God singles out these particular men to teach a specific lesson.