Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 8:19-56 part 2: Four soils of the sower and the Shema; four real-life examples

The story of the woman who had suffered with a hemorrhage for 12 years is woven beautifully into the story of the suffering, death and resurrection of the 12 year old girl.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 8:19-56 part 1: Four soils of the sower and the Shema; four real-life examples

Accounts in the gospels often are arranged more based on theme than chronology. It seems the four accounts in Luke 8 following the parable of the sower are those lessons lived out in Yeshua’s life.

Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 6: Teaching children to respect, follow the LORD

We are told to follow the LORD’s commandments, the statutes and judgements. The commandments, statutes and judgements are written down so that we will “fear” the Lord and that we will teach that fear to our children and grandchildren.