Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

Abraham learns faith in God despite his trust issues (Genesis 18:1–22:24)

Do we trust God in His promises? We can come up with all sorts of ideas about God. But if we don’t really trust Him and His leading, why bother following? These are questions tackled in this discussion on the Torah portion Vayera (“and He appeared”), covering Genesis 18-22. Abraham is shown to have trust issues up to his great test of faith. At that point, he sees something. This passage is all about the Promised One — the Mashiakh (Messiah) — represented by Abraham’s son Yitzkhak (Isaac).

Discussions Torah

Abraham: An example of hope and trust in God, part 1

This is the first part of a recap of Abraham’s life, looking at about two dozen key events that show why God picked him to be the start of a special group of people on Earth and to be a key example of trust in God being considered righteousness.

Discussions Passover Torah

Genesis 19: ‘Righteous’ Lot flees destruction of Sodom, impregnates his daughters

From threats of homosexual gang rape of two of God’s messengers to Lot’s offering his two virgin daughters to the mob to Lot’s wife dying from looking back at the destruction of Sodom to Lot’s daughters’ conspiring to get their father so drunk he would get them pregnant, chapter 19 is full of controversy for the modern mind. Actually, there are a lot of parallels between this account and Israel’s miraculous departure from Egypt after Passover.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 12-13: Abram fakes out Pharaoh over Sarai; Abram divvies Promised Land with Lot

The seemingly strange account of Abram and Sarai faking out Pharaoh is a microcosm of the later Exodus account. Abram and the descendants of Israel initially were welcomed and exalted, but then they were seen as a curse and told to leave, sent away with many gifts and riches.

Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 1-3: Lessons from Exodus, Numbers for the next generation

The first few chapters of Deuteronomy recount events from Exodus and Numbers. Key lessons for the new generation about to enter the Land were to trust God despite the seemingly invincible adversaries and remember His protection of the first generation out of Egypt and long before.

Discussions Torah

The account of God’s first dealings with man so far — a recap of Genesis 1–36

Before studying the life of Yosef (Joseph), we look back at some of what we have learned about God and His interaction with some of His notable people. The Flood and the Tower of Babel were the two most monumental events in mankind’s history. Everything we experience today is the result of these two events.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 19 part 1 — Sodom, Gomorrah & environs are destroyed

Genesis 19 is one of the most disturbing passages in the Bible, with a righteous man offering his daughters to a rape mob to protect two strangers, God’s destruction of a whole valley and those daughters committing incest with their father. Why is this passage recorded?