This examination of וַיֵּצֵא Vayetze (“he went out,” Gen. 28:10–32:2), we delve into the crucial significance of Jacob’s vision at Bethel and the intricate dynamics within his family, particularly the rivalry between Leah and Rachel. By drawing parallels between Jacob’s wives and the relationship of Jacob and Esau, the scriptures highlight the emotional toll of polygamy on Rachel, Leah, and Jacob himself. The comparison of Jacob’s family struggles with scriptural teachings of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) underscores the importance of leaving one’s family to establish a new union in marriage. It is evident how Esau’s and Leah’s self-deception led them into unions not meant for covenant bonds. Finally, a connection is drawn between the suffering of Joseph and that of the Isaiah’s Suffering Servant, realized in Yeshua as the bridge between Heaven and Earth.