Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 16:19-31: God vs. stuff, round 2: Rich man vs. Lazar vs. Moshe and Prophets vs. wealth

The overall theme of Luke 16 is how we are to use material wealth. Is Luke 16:19–31, known as “the rich man and Lazarus,” a travelogue of hell or a parable related to wealth?

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings

Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

The solid, straightforward, Biblical foundation is that death is the total absence of life, that there is no part of a person that “goes to heaven” when he dies and that the dead are actually dead and sleeping in Sheol until Christ’s appearing. We now turn our attention to some sections of Scripture commonly misconstrued to indicate otherwise. Let’s remember that they must harmonize with those parts of God’s Word.