Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

From barrenness to blessing: The miraculous births that changed history (Genesis 21; 1Samuel 1; Matthew 1)

The promised Seed of Eve was destined from the beginning of the world to crush the head of the one who brought misery to Earth. That Seed is traced through the miraculous births of Isaac, Samuel and ultimately Immanuel — the Messiah, God with us. Amidst human failings and spiritual decline, God’s sovereign plan unfolds, revealing a trajectory from Eden to eternity, where the glory of His presence is restored. This study of Genesis 21, 1Samuel 1–2 and Matthew 1 invites us to trust the Creator’s promises, discern His ways, and anticipate the coming of the King who will establish His eternal kingdom.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Tabernacles Torah

‘You will call His name Immanuel’: Heaven’s desire has always been to be with us

At Sukkot (Festival of Tabernacles), we celebrate Heaven’s work to heal the breach between the God and humanity, so that once again, the Creator can live with His creation. And one of the most enduring and repeated reassurances the Holy One is Immanu El — God with us.

In the Torah reading שמות Shemot (“names,” Exodus 1:1–6:1), we see Heaven’s revelation of “the Name,” translated as “I am” or “I will be.” But in this passage, we also see a foreshadowing of the “name above all names”: God With Us. This study explores the “now and not yet” prophecies of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) in the “Book of Immanuel” (Isaiah 7–12).