The LORD God warns Adam about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and decides that Adam needs a “helper.”
Tag: Genesis
The Hebrew words behind the four rivers in Eden, the garden and the two trees in Gen. 2:8-17 help us understand more about God.
God created things in the physical world to explain what happens in the spiritual world. What is the spiritual teaching behind “rest,” “mist” and “breath” in Gen. 2:1-7?
Genesis 1-2 — ‘made’ vs. ‘created’
Is there a distinction between use of Hebrew words translated as “created” and “made” in Genesis 1-2? If so, why is that distinction there?
Gen. 1:6 describes God’s action of creating the “firmament” by creating an expanse. In the original language, this process was “beating out,” like with metal or dough. What does God want to “pound out” in our lives to create what He wants in the world?
In Gen. 1:5, God is not only describing what the world was like when He created it but what it will be like when He returns to re-create it. That may be the spiritual picture behind light and darkness, evening and morning in this verse.
Many say that God is all about unity, bringing people together. Yes, He wants to reconcile rebellious mankind to Himself. Yet, why is He continually setting people, behavior and things apart — making them holy?