Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Get a grip on God: Finding the why of the tassels (Numbers 15)

The Holy One of Israel associated the צִיצִתות tzitzitot (tassles, fringes) with locks of hair or flower blooms: sources of identification, things that draw our attention and harbingers of messianic hope. The tzitzitot that Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) wore as the quintessential Son of David brought hope and encouragement to those who followed Him, to hear His words and seek His healing through faith. In the Day of the LORD (i.e., the “latter days”), the tzitzit will continue to be a sign of faith, hope and healing for those who are looking for God.

Let’s explore from the Bible why these strings of fabric attached to the corners of the garments of the people of God can be anchors of faith — if they are worn with Heaven’s Torah written on our hearts.