Why does it matter how Israel’s first high priest, Aaron, and his sons were dressed, as described in great detail in Torah section תצוה Tetzaveh (“you shall command,” Exodus 27:20–30:10)? Is it merely for drawing attention to the wearer? No. We are to remember as we study about the High Priest is that every description of the High Priest is a description of the Messiah. Everytime you see read about someone being anointed with oil, that is a picture of the Messiah.
As we’ll see in this study of Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 43 and Revelation 21, a repeating lesson is the Tabernacle/Temple altar is key to how we will live with the Mashiakh Yeshua (Christ Jesus), not only the “Lion of Judah” but also the “Lion of God.”