Discussions Torah

Swiss cheese boundaries: Danger of hole-y gates in our house for God (Exodus 35-38)

Why is the Tabernacle so special? When you look at this reading as it’s presented, the events of the Torah reading ויקהל Vayaq’hel (“and he assembled,” Exodus 35:1–38:20) are set in the aftermath of the golden calf (Exodus 32). While the Tabernacle architectural and interior design details in this reading make it seem identical to prior Torah readings before the golden calf incident, the key lesson of these passages is that the primary function of the Tabernacle was to establish the presence of HaShem (“The Name,” i.e., the LORD) in the midst of His people.

The LORD has desired to dwell with people since the foundation of the world (Eden), has taken steps to reestablish that relationship. God created is Israel, instructed Israel to build the Tabernacle and sent the Messiah as the Tabernacle made flesh. Then God plans to bring that to ultimate reality (New Jerusalem). God’s desire to dwell with His people has never changed.

A key first lesson of the Tabernacle is its gate, its door. That teaches that something important must change as a person moves in from the realm outside the Presence of God.