Genesis ended with the descent of Israel into slavery and Exodus shows us the ascent of Israel to freedom. God had made a promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and after several generations in Egypt.
In the Torah reading שמות Shemot (“names,” Exodus 1:1–6:1), God was making good on His promise to return His people to His Promised Land. Moses and Aaron would be His primary instruments to fulfill the promise, but there are other “saviors” we meet before God sends Moses to save His people: the daughter of Pharaoh, and Tzipporah, the daughter of Yitro (Jethro).
God kept His promises to Israel in bondage, and because of that we can rest assured He will keep His promises to us. God is eternal, and so are His promises. Key to those promises is Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Shemot helps us remember that He will bring them to pass on His timetable.