Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Path to spiritual maturity: How to align our thoughts, emotions, actions with God’s words (Numbers 9 and 27)

Yosef (Joseph), Moshe (Moses), Eliyahu (Elijah), Kefa (Peter), Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ), the five daughters of Zelophehad. This study of the Torah reading פִּינְחָס Pinchas (“Phinehas,” Numbers 25:10–30:1) and parallel passages explores some of the many examples on how to answer the call the biblical call to be “alefs”/”alphas” — leaders who wield power with humility and obedience to God, not domineering self-interest. We’ll see patterns of God’s sovereignty over earthly powers, the importance of aligning our hearts (thoughts and emotions) and actions with His Word, and the dangers of deception and self-serving motives, even in religious giving.

We’ll discover a Bible challenge to cultivate emotional intelligence by storing God’s wisdom in our hearts, and prioritize transparency and integrity over outward displays of authority. Ultimately, we learn to turn toward and depend on the true Source of power — the Creator Who commissions and sustains those who faithfully serve Him.

Bible passages mentioned in this study:

  • Numbers 25:10–30:1 (the Pinchas reading)
  • 1Kings 17–19 (Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal)
  • John 2 (Yeshua’s cleansing the Temple)
  • Genesis 2–3 (Garden of Eden, the tree of life and knowledge of good and bad)
  • 1Samuel 15 (Saul’s failure to obey God’s command against Amalek, so prophet Samuel steps up)
  • Acts 4–5 (the story of Ananias and Sapphira)
  • Numbers 9 (second Passover)
  • Numbers 27 (daughters of Zelophehad)


Summary: Tammy

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