The first book in the Bible is called Genesis, which is Greek for “beginning.” The meaning of “beginning” in the Hebrew language in which the book was written can tell us a lot about Messiah.
Food for thought from the discussion
- With what part of speech does Hebrew thought start, noun or verb?
- How does this relate to how God operates?
- What is the meaning of the Hebrew word bereshit
, usually translated as “beginning”?
- What two things does the first sentence tell us God created first?
- What is the meaning of resh
, the verb used in the first word of the Bible, bereshit?
- Gen. 10:10 — “bereshit of my kingdom”
- Gen. 49:3 — “bereshitof my power”
- Why does the Bible talk about the firstborn has certain rights?
- How is this related to the “seed” referred to in Genesis 3?
- What was Reuben the beginning of?
- What was bestowed on Israel as a result?
- What happened to Reuben later when he made a wrong choice in dealing with Yosef (Joseph)?
- Deut. 11:12 — “bereshitof the year”
- When does God’s specified year begin and end?
- Deut. 21:17 — “bereshitof his vigor”
- How is the “firstborn” related to Messiah?
- Num. 24:20 — “Amalek was the bereshitof the nations”
- How was Amalek a “beginning” of the nations in relation to Israel?
- How is Messiah the first or beginning of the strength of God?
- Job 8:7 — “your bereshit was small but your end will be great”
- Job 42:12 — “the end of Job’s life was greater than his bereshit”
- For whose benefit were Job’s suffering under the Adversary?
- How will the culminationi of your life be better than the beginning?
- What did God begin in Genesis?
- Was this the beginning of God’s creation?
- Psalm 111:10 — “the bereshit of wisdom is the fear of the LORD”
- Prov. 1:7 — “fear of the LORD is the bereshitof wisdom, knowledge, and instruction”
- How have you grown in your relationship with God since you first “feared,” or revered, God?
- Prov. 8:22
- Prov. 17:14 — “the bereshitof contention is like letting water out”
- When you are in bitterness, malice and pride, how will it affect your life?
- Eccl. 7:8 — “better is the latter end than the bereshit“
- Isa. 46:10 — “declaring from the bereshitthe end”
- What, then, is God declaring about the end in Gen. 1:1?
- What did Messiah Yeshua begin with Israel when He came?
- What will be the “latter end” of Israel?
- How are all these beginnings seen in the appointed times, or festivals, of the LORD?
Speaker: Richard Agee.
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