Discussions Prophets and Writings

Joshua 5

Teacher: Daniel Agee [contact] File size: 12.9 MB [download MP3] Duration: 53:50 Thought questions Why was the commander of the LORD’s army standing with his sword drawn? How does this relate to the time of year? Does God take sides? What’s the significance of circumcision before Passover? Why hadn’t they been circumcised before? What is […]

Discussions Torah

Numbers 24: Balaam sees Messiah’s not-yet coming

The cryptic lines of Balaam’s reluctant blessing of Israel contains pictures of what Israel should expect in its Messiah.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

Joshua 3–4

Teacher: Daniel Agee [contact] File size: 11.2 MB [download MP3] Duration: 46:49 Parallels between Yehoshua’s movement of Israel across Yordan (Jordan) River into the Promised Land the ministry of Messiah Yeshua past, present & future. Thought questions What things in chapters 3 and 4 that connect to the Messiah? Entering promised land and the 10th […]

Discussions Torah

Numbers 23: Balaam prophesies of Israel and Messiah

Though he was reluctant to pass it along, Balaam’s prophecy would stretch long into the future of Israel and foretell actions of the Messiah.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

Joshua 1: Yehoshua needs courage to fill Moshe’s big shoes

Moshe (Moses) led God’s people, Israel, out of slavery in Egypt amid mighty events, dealt with continual backbiting and backstabbing from the people in return and taught the people God’s Word. Now, Moshe is dead, and Yehoshua (Joshua), his right-hand man through most of it, is in charge. How does he and God handle the […]


Numbers 21: Serpent on a pole, Messiah on a cross

Yeast is often associated with sin, yet Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ) used it in a parable to describe a vital work of Heaven. A serpent is a frequent Bible symbol for haSatan (the Adversary), yet Yeshua connected the Moshe’s bronze serpent on a pole in Numbers 21 with healing from His death on the cross. Let’s get to the naked truth of God’s lesson here.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 20: Moses is barred from entering the Land

It’s often taught that God barred Moshe (Moses) from entering Canaan because he hit the rock to start water flowing, rather than speaking to the rock. Yet it seems Moshe’s rebel yell had more to do with it and fits more with the lesson God had been teaching the people since the Exodus.