Apostolic Writings Discussions Torah

One bread for one body: Messiah’s mission for Israel to the nations (Numbers 8; Matthew 14–16; Mark 8; John 6)

This study of the Torah reading בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ Beha’alotcha (“when you raise up” [the lamps], Numbers 8–12) explores how the Menorah and Bread of the Presence in Israel’s Tabernacle foreshadowed Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus), the Light and Bread come down from Heaven (John 6:35, 48-51).

As the lampstand light shining on the bread illustrated Heaven’s watching Israel’s feeding words of life (Deut. 8:3) to the nations, Yeshua spreads the light and words of Heaven to the nations through His students (Matt. 4:4). Through the miracles of feeding the 5,000 and 4,000, Yeshua calls His disciples to sustain both Israel and the nations with his message (Matt. 14:13-21; 15:29-39). Yeshua builds upon the Torah lessons, the key of which is the promise that Israel would welcome Gentiles as one new community in Messiah (Eph. 2:11-22).

Here’s an outline of this recorded study on Torah reading בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ Beha’alotcha (“when you raise up” [the lamps], Numbers 8–12):

  • Grumbling and complaining in the Bible, with a focus on Moses and his leadership. (0:00 in the recording)
  • Humility, teachability, and spiritual maturity in biblical context. (4:50)
  • Numbers chapter 8 and its connection to light, bread, and the priesthood. (11:11)
  • The importance of community and standing for something. (17:13)
  • Spiritual nourishment and the importance of consuming the right things. (24:24)
  • Daily bread and spiritual sustenance in times of crisis. (31:03)
  • Yeshua’s feeding of the 5,000 on the west shore of Galilee (Israel) and the 4,000 people on the east shore (Greek Decapolis) symbolize abundant spiritual nourishment for Israel and the nations (35:21)
  • Jewish teachings of the Zadokim (Sadducees) and Perushim (Pharisees) on resurrection (42:06)
  • Maintaining distinctiveness in the kingdom of God while spreading the Good News. (46:04)
  • Understanding God’s message and unity among believers. (52:49)


Summary: Tammy

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