Discussions Torah

Genesis 1–4 recap

Because of a technical error, only part of the discussion was recorded.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 50: Yosef does not take revenge after his father dies

Two patriarchs die in this chapter. It starts with the death of Yisra’el (Ya’akov) and ends with the death of Yosef. When the brothers realized the depths of Yosef’s love and forgiveness they make a vow to him, which their descendants fulfilled 200 years later.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 49:22–33 — Ya’akov blesses his 12 sons — Ben-Yamin and Yosef; Ya’akov dies

We read the prophesies of the last days given to Joseph and Benjamin by Israel, their father. He also gives the final instructions for his burial. He wanted to be buried with his father and grandfather.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 49:16–21 — blessings for Dan, Gad, Naphtali, Asher, Joseph, Benjamin

We finish this chapter discussing the prophesies related to Dan, Naphtali, Asher, Yosef (Joseph) and Ben-Yamin (Benjamin). If we look at these prophesies as only relevant to the sons of Ya’akov (Jacob), we are missing out on the messianic significance of every one of these prophesies.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 49:13–21 — blessings for Yisrael’s sons — Reuben, Zebulun, Issachar

More than just a list of names, these blessings from Ya’akov/Yisrael are prophesies that will be fulfilled in the last days and give us insight into the mission of the Messiah. For Issachar, it’s a blessing rather than a curse.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 49:1-12 — blessings for Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Yehudah

Many people who read Genesis 49 believe that the prophesies Israel gave to his 12 sons were only about their or their immediate descendants. This is not the case. These prophesies encompass our prophetic future and those of our descendants all the way to the very end of time.

Today’s talk focuses on the prophesies given to Israel’s first four sons, culminating with his fourth son, Yehudah (Judah). All 4 of these sons were sons of Leah, the daughter of Laban as well, which gives us an additional insight as well.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 47–48 — Yosef presents his family to Pharaoh, receives double blessing via Ephraim and Manasseh

We read more about how the land of Egypt survived the seven-year famine thanks to God’s revelation to Yosef (Joseph) and his stewardship of Pharaoh’s land. Later, Ya’akov (Jacob) gives Yosef his double portion of the blessing vicariously through his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.