Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 13:1-13 — Paul starts his first missionary journey confronting Jewish mysticism

Apostle Sha’ul the Asked For becomes Paul the Rest-maker in his first missionary voyage, stopping in Cyprus. There he meets a truth-seeking official and a “truth”-peddling Jewish sorcerer. How could a Jew be involved in the occult, and where do we see such corruption of the truth today?

Apostle Sha’ul the Asked For becomes Paul the Rest-maker in his first missionary voyage, stopping in Cyprus. There he meets a truth-seeking official and a "truth"-peddling Jewish sorcerer. How could a Jew be involved in the occult, and where do we see such corruption of the truth today?

Food for thought from the recorded discussion

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Acts 13:1-12 map
The first leg of Paul’s first journey. (Accordance image)

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How does Paul confront Elymas and convince the proconsul of who truly had knowledge and power? What is the lesson for us?

Reader: David De Fever. Speaker: Jeff.

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