Discussions Torah

Journey to the 10 — Exodus 17 — War against Amalek and the rocks of rest and water

What we see in this story are the actions of God, not the actions of the people. We can learn a lot about God if we just read the story carefully. In this passage, rocks play an important role and are important symbols of God at work. First was the rock Moshe sits on raising his arms during the daylong battle with Amalek. Second was the rock from which “living water” came to quench the thirst of Israel.

The series on Israel’s departure from Egypt to arrival at Sinai — “Journey to the 10” — continues. What we see in this story are the actions of God, not the actions of the people. We can learn a lot about God if we just read the story carefully. In this passage, rocks play an important role and are important symbols of God at work. First was the rock Moshe sits on raising his arms during the daylong battle with Amalek. Second was the rock from which “living water” came to quench the thirst of Israel.

Thought Questions

Does anything seem out of sequence in this chapter?

What is out of sequence here?

Why is this story placed here?

What was the rock?

Why was it struck?

Why did they go to war?

When did they go to war?

How did Moses fear God?How does compare to how the people fear God?

What did Moses tell Joshua do do?

What did Moses, Aaron and Hur do (Song of Solomon 3:9-10)?

What people started a war against Israel here? ?Why was the placed called Rephidim?

Reader: Dave De Fever. Speaker: Richard Agee.

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