Discussions Prophets and Writings

Job 8-14: Iyyob begs God to end the war against him

As we go through this book, Iyyob (Job) and his friends become more hostile. His friends can’t convince Iyyob that he is a unrepentant sinner, and Iyyob can’t convince his friends of his integrity. Iyyob said God was fighting against him, but Iyyob would not assume to fight against God.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

Job 5-8: Learning to lovingly ‘disagree’ with God

When someone “disagrees” with God, we should encourage them to read the book of Job. God Himself tells us that ’Iyyob (Job) had integrity, fortitude and was a righteous man, yet he still to learn how God acts.
Most believers long to speak with God face to face, as Moshe (Moses) did. If you pray to God you willing to hear what He has to say in response, you will hear Him and have a fulfilling relationship.