Apostolic Writings Discussions

The Book of Hebrews — Bible or baloney?

This discussion is “meat in due season,” because a noted Messianic teacher has written a couple of articles strongly questioning the canonicity of the Book of Hebrews. One unintended consequence of throwing out the Book of Hebrews would be to negate Yeshua’s (Jesus) role as the High Priest of His own sacrifice.

This discussion is “meat in due season,” because a noted Messianic teacher has written a couple of articles strongly questioning the canonicity of the Book of Hebrews. One unintended consequence of throwing out the Book of Hebrews would be to negate Yeshua’s (Jesus) role as the High Priest of His own sacrifice.

Questions preceding the discussion

Not all of these questions will be answered today but if they are not answered today, we will try to answer them.

  1. What does the Book of Hebrews tell us about the angels?
  2. Does the author of Hebrews replace the Temple services with the New covenant?
  3. What does it mean to “enter into His rest” in Hebrews 4? Is the Sabbath replaced by “entering into His rest daily”?
  4. Did the writer of the Book of Hebrews make a mistake about certain articles in the Holy or Most Holy Place?

Food for thought from the discussion

Heb. 1:1-4 — Yeshua created the universe and the seasons (moedim). In our time, when did Yeshua purge our sin? Has Yeshua stopped working in Heaven? What cleanses a person—blood or the Word and how?

Heb. 1:5-14 — What does the word “begotten” mean? Paul tells us that Yeshua is the “first born of the dead.”

Psa. 2:1-12 — Who is being spoken about here? David or Yeshua?

What do the “Angels” do? They are “ministering spirits”? What does that mean? Who do they serve? Do all angels serve God?

Heb. 3:1-7 (see also Psalm 95) — When or how did Yeshua become a High Priest? What is the order of Melchizedek? The Book of Hebrews is the only Book which calls Yeshua a High Priest. Why would Yeshua restore the Levitical Priesthood? Why would the Levitical Priesthood be necessary after the Cross?

Heb. 4:1-3 — Who is the audience of the Book of Hebrews? What is that important?

What is the rest the Book of Hebrews discussing (review Psalm 95)?

How are the Sabbath and the Holy Days days of hope?

Heb. 5:1-4 — How is the High Priest chosen? Who made that decision?What did the Aaronic priesthood do and what role did they fulfill?

Heb. 6:1-20 — Did the Apostles give up Judaism or the Temple after He died? [Check out the Hallel Fellowship discussions on Acts 1-3 for a more in-depth look at this question.]

What ultimately happened to the Temple? What is the undercurrent of the Book of Hebrews? What was occurring within the Messianic movement before the Temple was destroyed? Did the early believers rejoice when they were thrown out of the Temple for believing in Yeshua?

Heb. 7:1-17 — Who was Melchizedek? What was the function of Melchizedek? What does El Elyon mean? What does that have to do with Melchizedek?

How did Abraham honor Melchizedek (Gen. 14:18-20)? How did the other kings want honor Abraham (Gen. 14:21-24)?

When Jacob paid tithe, who did he pay it to (Gen. 28:16-22)? How did Jacob give it to God?

How many promises did Melchizedek give? Where is Melchizedek mentioned besides Genesis and Hebrews (Psa. 110-1-4)?

What did God do with David that He didn’t do with any other King (1st Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22)? What are you reading when you read the Psalms? God called David a prophet? Why?

Hebrews relies heavily on the Book of Psalms. Why?

How does Hebrews give hope to the “spiritual refugee”?

Jeremiah 31 — What is the “new covenant”? What is the “old covenant”? What was the difference between the ministry of Aaron (and his descendants) vs. the ministry of Melchizedek? What is “new” about the New Covenant (see Isa. 40:9)?

Heb. 10:16 — What is the new way?

New Moon celebration

Hallel Fellowship observes God’s monthly appointment with His people, called the New Moon, or Rosh Chodesh in Hebrew. [See the page on the New Moon for a discussion from the Bible on this “feast of the LORD.”] The timing of a discussion of the New Covenant in Hebrews with the celebration of the New Moon is fitting, because both related to God’s creating something new (see Isa. 66:22-23).

Bible reading from the New Moon celebration: Ps. 119:33-40

Speaker: Richard Agee.