Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 17:22-18:4 — Paul continues his journey through Greece to Athens and Corinth

Paul has to “start from scratch” when preaching to the gentiles in Athens and Corinth and has to reach a long way back to find common ground with the Greek philosophers in Athens as well as the commerce-driven, pleasure loving Corinthians. Paul did not have a large community to support him in his evangelist efforts so he had to work with his own two hands to feed himself and his entourage. This may have given him opportunity to be “salt and light” in the marketplaces of the Roman world he was trying to reach to with the Gospel.

Acts 17-18 map - Achaia
(click image to enlarge)

Paul has to “start from scratch” when preaching to the gentiles in Athens and Corinth and has to reach a long way back to find common ground with the Greek philosophers in Athens as well as the commerce-driven, pleasure loving Corinthians. Paul did not have a large community to support him in his evangelist efforts so he had to work with his own two hands to feed himself and his entourage. This may have given him opportunity to be “salt and light” in the marketplaces of the Roman world he was trying to reach to with the Gospel.

Thought questions

PDF Acts 17-18 notes

Who was the “unknown God”?

What discussion did Paul start in Athens?

What is the difference between the way that God treated His temple in Jerusalem versus the way the pagans treated the temples to their “gods”?

How did the pagans see the “unknown God”? Was He a god who wanted to be known?

Why was Alexandria a major “thought center”?

How is Paul “speaking the same language” as the Greek audience?

Is this syncretism?

How was Paul received in Corinth?

How long did he teach there?

Who did Paul meet there?

What did he encounter there?

How did Paul make his living?

Speaker & Reader: Jeff.