Be a Berean series Videos

Video: Preparing to look at rabbinical writings to untangle seeming New Testament grace vs. law double-speak

This video — “Building a Bridge” — is the third installment in the Be a “Berean” study series. This short video is to hit home on one of the most important view of this series: “We are saved by grace.”

We will also discuses what we are going to move on to in the next video. We will prepare to conciser rabbinical writings and get a deeper understanding on how they play a big part in the New Testament.

This video — “Building a Bridge” — is the third installment in the Be a “Berean” study series. This short video is to hit home on one of the most important view of this series: “We are saved by grace.”

We will also discuses what we are going to move on to in the next video. We will prepare to conciser rabbinical writings and get a deeper understanding on how they play a big part in the New Testament.

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