Appointments With God Tabernacles The Eighth Day

The Eighth Day — enlightening the leadership on the Light, the Truth, the Father

Yeshua continues His theme of His being the Light of Life, Who brings hope to the condemned and penitent, a theme developed in John 8-9. God’s mercy and a new beginning are integral to the Eighth Day, an important appointment with God right after the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles. 

Food for thought from the recorded discussion of John 8:20-9:41

John 8:21 — What does Messiah mean by saying “you will not be there”? How is knowing the will of the Father connected to knowing the Father? Yeshua repeats the thought that they “will die in their sins”? Why does Yeshua repeat Himself so many times? What does it mean?

Was justice served against the adulterous woman (John 7:53-8:11)? Was mercy given to the adulterous woman? How was justice served in her case? How is that different than the justice the Jewish leaders will face?

How is the will of the Father explained in the Torah? How is this will of reconciling the world to Himself, to bring humanity back into His home, displayed through the offerings of the life — the blood — of innocent animals?

What is an apology? What is repentance? Do we have the right to ask an aggrieved party for forgiveness? How and when would we forgive someone who has acted against us (see Matthew 18)?

What kind of freedom did Yeshua grant the adulterous woman? Did that freedom have anything to do with her status as a “daughter of Abraham”? 

Whose house is Yeshua discussing in John 8:34-36?

Who is the real father of the unbelievers in the audience (John 8:42-44)? Why? How are they similar to the Devil?

John 8:24,28,58 — Yeshua refers to Himself as “I Am” three times. It was on the third time the leaders took up their stones to kill him. 

The events in John 9 occur immediately after the discourse in the Temple treasury (John 8:21). 

What normally causes congenital blindness? How was this blind man unique? How did Yeshua find this man? Why was this man blind? What is the purpose of the Eighth Day?

What was the most theologically profound comment the blind person said during his questioning (John 9:31)?

On this particular year, the Eighth Day coincides with the seventh-day Sabbath (John 9:14). Is that important? Why?

Why did Yeshua seek out the blind man after his questioning? 

Speaker: Richard Agee.